Showing posts with label Warrior Women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warrior Women. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Warrior Women

All through history there have been Warrior Women, women who overcame tremendous obstacles to accomplish historical feats, women such as Queen Boudicca, Queen Artemisia, The Trung Sisters and Queen Zenobia, just to mention a few. All through history down to the present we have warrior women whose names have never made recorded history, but who daily overcome tremendous obstacles or endure difficult situations or bear heavy burdens just to care for those near and dear to them. These pins are dedicated to today's warrior women and I'll introduce my favorites from time to time.

The first is Lady Bernadette. She struggles with depression and lonliness yet always presents an elegant, cheerful face to those around her, not wanting to be a burden to anyone. Every day she manages to get to work or fulfill her responsibilities she has won a battle. Some days the battle overwhelms her. My Bernadette loves the colour green and has a smile that lights up a room. The green swarovski crystals trailing down her cheek are her tears and the dark pattern on the left side suggests the emotional veil she hides behind in order not to burden others with her pain. This pin is to let her know that there are many of us who recognize her valiant struggle and love and appreciate her.

Lady Bernadette